Wednesday 7 November 2012

Netanyahu and the US election

The Independent

Reality bites for Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu who threw his

solid support behind Mitt Romney


Israeli President Shimon Peres and other moderate leaders hailed Mr Obama’s re-election
but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu awoke to a double shock.

“This is probably not a very good morning for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,” said
Interior Minister Eli Yishai, a major coalition partner.

After several abrasive encounters with President Barack Obama, Mr Netanyahu and his
Likud Party had thrown their support solidly behind Mitt Romney in what opposition leader
Shaul Mofaz described as “a rude, blunt, unprecedented, wanton and dangerous
intervention in the United States election.”

Mr Netanyahu must hope that Mr Obama will not bear any grudges as Israel tries to
convince the US to take urgent action to halt Iran’s nuclear programme, including a
possible military strike.

President Obama’s victory may also have re-written the cast list and script for Israel’s
own general election on January 22.

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is now expected to return at the head of a united
opposition list – the first credible challenge to Mr Netanyahu. It is an indication of the poor
state of Israeli politics that opposition’s best hope was forced to resign as prime minister
under suspicion of corruption, has been convicted on one corruption charge and is still on
trial for another.

Mr Netanyahu moved swiftly yesterday to try and repair some of the damage, sending
urgent messages to colleagues to keep quiet. He failed. World Likud Chairman Danny
Danon said Israel “will not surrender” to Mr Obama and his “ill-advised policies.”

Commentators in Yisrael Hayom, the free daily bankrolled by Sheldon Adelson, the casino
magnate who finances both Mr Netanyahu and Mr Romney, warned of impending doom.
“Obama’s re-election means Olmert will run against Netanyahu and a ‘grand bargain’ with
Iran can be made at our expense,” wrote one columnist.

Palestinians were also divided. President Mahmoud Abbas welcomed Mr Obama’s reelection, while Hamas leaders urged him to abandon his pro-Israel bias.

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